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Schema Couples Therapy

Online Schema Therapy for Couples

What is Schema Couples Therapy?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

Schema Couples Therapy is an approach that applies the Schema Therapy method in the context of couples therapy. The goal of Schema Couples Therapy is to examine how a couple has developed their individual sense of self and how they interact with each other. This approach is primarily concerned with identifying psychological needs and how they manifest in a relationship. It also addresses how a couple responds to one another's needs and communicates them in the relationship. The focus is on identifying the schemas that underlie behavioural and emotional patterns in the relationship, how those schemas are triggered, and how the couple responds to them.

How does Schema Couples Therapy work?

Schema Couples Therapy involves couples appointments as well as individual sessions. The precise format needed may vary significantly, depending on a person's need for individual work to address their own schema-driven reactions. Schema Couples Therapy work may commence after one partner has first been in individual therapy if it would be helpful to focus on a problem dynamic with their relationship. Alternatively,  a couple may decide to seek Schema Couples Therapy together, to directly address difficulties in their relationship. The interpersonal focus of Schema Couples Therapy makes it an ideal approach for transforming the dynamic in specific relationships. It may be undertaken with anyone with whom you have a significant relationship, such as with a parent, sibling, family member or an important friend.

Who may benefit from Schema Couples Therapy?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

Considering Schema Couples Therapy? Answer the following to find out if Schema Couples Therapy is for you. Do you experience any of the following in your relationship?

  1. I feel that my relationship is unstable.

  2. We struggle to trust each other.

  3. I feel we are emotionally disconnected from each other.

  4. I feel inadequate in the relationship.

  5. Feeling alone in the relationship.

  6. Is co-dependent on each other.

  7. Have feelings of shame and unworthiness

  8. Struggle to communicate effectively.

  9. Consistently blame each other for problems in the relationship.

  10. Can't seem to work through conflict.

  11. Feels there is a lack of love in the relationship. 

  12. Have the same fights over and over again.

  13. Don’t feel supported in the relationship.

  14. Having difficulty making decisions together.

  15. Avoid conflict and do not talk about problems.

  16. Being hyper-critical of each other.

If you identify with any of the above challenges in your relationship then you may benefit from Schema Couples Therapy. Couples who struggle with intense emotions in their relationship, high incidence of conflict and difficulty connecting and responding to each other's psychological needs may benefit from Schema Couples Therapy.

What is a Schema?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

Within the Schema Couples Therapy approach, a schema represents a framework for the way we understand ourselves, others and the world. 

A schema involves core emotional and cognitive elements that come into being during our developmental years.  Thus a schema of Failure will incorporate a core belief of "I am a failure". These schemas are often reinforced by later life experiences. People can have adaptive and maladaptive schemas. Schema Couples Therapy focuses on how negative or maladaptive schemas as well as healthy or adaptive schemas present in a relationship.  

How do Schemas Develop?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

Schemas develop during our childhood years from our experiences in relationships with our parents and caregivers as well as experiences we have with other people like teachers, friends and family. Our early childhood experiences inform our view of the world and ourselves in it. Schemas often begin to emerge in our early years based on our experiences of getting our needs met or frustrated.

If our primary caregivers meet our psychological needs we develop a healthy and adaptive way of relating to ourselves, others and the world. If these needs are not met we develop maladaptive schemas.

A child’s temperament plays a big role in developing maladaptive schemas. Some children are born with a hypersensitive temperament, meaning they feel things more intensely and have bigger reactions when triggered. These children often have a greater need for emotional support from their primary caregivers and can be more impacted by unmet needs or emotional invalidation.

If a schema is repeatedly activated by a continuation of unmet needs, it will strengthen over time. This makes the schema more rigid and our reactions less flexible. It can create harmful patterns of responding to cues by acting in ways that are unhealthy or self-defeating.

What are Schema Coping Modes?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

In Schema Couples Therapy, understanding and modifying schema coping modes is key to facilitate change in the relationship. Once a schema is activated or triggered, there is a specific way a person responds or copes with the activated or triggered schema. These responses are also known as schema coping modes. Coping modes involve particular ways of thinking, feeling and behaving in response to a triggered schema. Sometimes we respond in a healthy way or use a healthy coping mode such as empathy or self-control when schemas are triggered. However couples who experience high levels of conflict in their relationship may make use of unhealthy or dysfunctional coping modes such as becoming over-controlling or avoiding conflict altogether.

How can Schema Couples Therapy be helpful?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

 Schema Couples Therapy aims to change maladaptive coping modes through cognitive, behavioural and experiential techniques. Schema Couples Therapy can help by changing maladaptive or dysfunctional emotional, cognitive and/or behavioural patterns in the relationship and guiding a couple to develop more helpful and healthier ways of relating to each other. Schema Couples Therapy may also help a couple identify unmet or frustrated psychological needs in the relationship and develop healthy ways to respond to the couple's psychological needs.  

What are Psychological Needs?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

We are born with psychological needs and these needs find expression throughout our lives. Some of our psychological needs include but are not limited to: belonging, connection, love, acceptance, nurturance, encouragement, compassion, freedom, limits, boundaries, self-expression, autonomy, stability, safety, identity, competence, spontaneity etc. 

The extent to which our psychological needs were met during our childhood developmental years plays a central role in our psychological development. Having psychological needs met plays an important role in the healthy development of relationships, identity and well-being. If our psychological needs are not met or frustrated during childhood we may develop unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behaviours. 

Psychological Needs

Below is a list of some of the psychological needs that exist in a couples relationship. Ask yourself to what extent these psychological needs find expression in your relationship and to what extent they are being met or frustrated in the relationship.


  • sustanance

  • nurturance

  • encouragement

  • self-care

  • sexual intimacy

  • physical affection

  • physical activity

  • nature


  • love

  • acceptance

  • respect

  • validation

  • spontaneity 

  • comforting

  • excitement

  • affirmation

  • acknowledgement

  • competence


  • connection

  • belonging

  • compassion

  • autonomy

  • boundaries

  • self-expression

  • structure

  • trust

  • expression of feelings

  • consistency

  • attention

  • forgiveness

  • honesty

  • stability 

  • support

  • safety 


  • imagination

  • identity

  • goals

  • play

  • discovery

  • creativity

  • aforgiveness

  • freedom

  • sense of direction

  • leadership

  • vision

  • direction

  • inspiration

  • achievement

  • guidance 

  • nature

What happens when our core psychological needs are not met?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

We are born with psychological needs and these needs find expression throughout our lives. Some of our psychological needs include but are not limited to: belonging, connection, love, acceptance, nurturance, encouragement, compassion, freedom, limits, boundaries, self-expression, autonomy, stability, safety, identity, competence, spontaneity etc. 

If our psychological needs were unmet or significantly frustrated during our childhood developmental years we may develop maladaptive schemas or belief systems about ourselves, others and the world

How does Schema Couples Therapy work?

Schema Couples Therapy delivered via an online video conferencing platform involves four different stages.

Schema Couples Therapy Online

Stages 1: Introduction to the Schema Couples Therapy model, Relationship Patterns, Schemas and Coping Modes.

This stage will start with an introduction to the Schema Couples Therapy model. Thereafter the focus will turn to identifying the main unhelpful emotional and behavioural patterns in the relationship. This stage also involves the assessment of the couple's individual schemas as well as the couple's individual coping modes.

Schema Couples Therapy Online

Stage 2: Change.

In this stage, a number of specific Schema Couples Therapy interventions and techniques will be introduced. The couple will be guided to practice these techniques and thereby start to change schema-driven patterns in the relationship.

Schema Couples Therapy Online

Stage 3: Assessing Change and Maintaining Momentum.

In this stage of the therapy, we will assess the gains made in the previous stage and work on ways to ensure that the couple keeps the momentum going while working on lasting change.

Schema Couples Therapy Online

Stage 4: Follow up and reinforce the new ways of relating.

This stage will involve follow-up sessions after a few weeks for the couple to report back on what worked and what still needs work. During this stage, the newly learnt healthier patterns will be reinforced. 

How long will Schema Couples Therapy take?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

Schema Couples Therapy may take anything between eight to twelve sessions initially with monthly follow-up sessions during the final or maintenance stage of the therapy. The full process can take anything from two to twelve months. 

The overall duration of Schema Couples Therapy will depend to a large extent on how the couple responds to the interventions and their willingness to change and adapt to a healthier way of relating to their partner.

Will Schema Couples Therapy work?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

The success of Schema Couples Therapy will largely depend on the couple's individual and collective motivation to change as well as their commitment to the process of couples therapy. A willingness to change one's attitude and behaviour will greatly increase the chances of success. Research show that the average person receiving couples therapy is better off at termination than 70%–80% of individuals not receiving treatment fact. Research shows that couples therapy positively impacts 70% of those receiving treatment. And for many couples, seeking out professional help can be the difference between making the long haul or becoming a divorce statistic. Read more here.

Benefits of online Schema Couples Therapy?

Schema Couples Therapy Online Therapy Ponsonby Auckland

Schema Couples Therapy delivered via an online video conferencing platform have many potential benefits. 

  1. Accessibility. 

  2. Time.

  3. Privacy

  4. Home comforts

  5. Cost

  6. Electronic sharing

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